Monday, January 14, 2013

Back to Normal...whatever that is!

Well, the holiday's are over (at least in my house anyway).  I had told myself that we would not take any extended breaks this year during Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Much to my chagrin we ended up taking half of November off because B1 and B2 had the flu the first 3 weeks, then there was Thanksgiving, then I had the flu (shared it with the King Bee too) and was sick for the first 15 days or so of December!  It has been a struggle to stay on top of everything and it hit me hard one day recently.

Do you ever have one of those days when you walk into an area of your house (lets say the kids rooms for example) and feel the tears welling up in your eyes because it looks like WWIII has hit?  Do you ever just stand around looking at the chaos and wonder why the fairies hate you so much as to cause destruction and disorder in your midst? Yeah, I've had way too many of those days lately.  I was put back on track though when I realized that this is what happens when a family lives, I mean REALLY LIVES in their abode.

There is no law (not yet anyway) that states you have to keep your house museum quality 24/7.  Besides, it is a great lesson for kids to see that when a mess is made, someone has to clean it up.  Sometimes the person(s) cleaning up the mess are not always the person(s) who made the mess.  That is perfectly fine, because being a family means we support each other, we help each other.

However, we must not allow the lazy workers to sit by while the cleaning crew takes care of their mess.

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