Thursday, October 7, 2010

Pretty Piggies!

Just call me Happy Feet!  I had a doc appointment on Tuesday and she decided it was time to stop the wrappings.  So that means I can soak them in the tub now and start walking around more!!  So guess what I did last night?  Yes, I soaked in the tub!!  However, I didn't realize that all that dead skin would start coming off as I sat in the tub (I know, yuck!).  So after I scrubbed my feet, as gently as possible, I ended up taking a shower as well.  It was sort of tricky getting out of the tub because I can't really put much pressure on the toes or bend the middle section of my foot yet.  So it took all my arm strength to pull myself up without bending my foot or toes.  The doc said by no means are those fused bones healed enough to start bending and putting pressure on that part of the foot.  So I'm still in the braces until November, then she will allow me to start wearing shoes more often.  YIPPEE!

I had also talked to her about exercise and she said no treadmills or elliptical stuff right now...which is what I have to use wouldn't you know it! I do have a weight bench and did get to do about 40 leg extensions, and 50 sit ups yesterday!  I could have done more, but was interrupted as usual!! :(  I can tell though that sitting on my duff for the past 6 weeks has really lowered my stamina and I could feel that yesterday while trying to exercise. Actually, being on my feet and doing anything wears me out, but now that I've been released to do more I know that will get better. :)

As I said, I'm very happy with my feet and below I have put some pictures to show you my pretty feet!  This first one is last weeks visit when I had my feet wrapped for the last time.  The second one is after they had a bath for the first time in over six weeks!  See the pretty polish that my 8yo daughter, Jennifer did for me!!  She was SOOO excited to paint mommies toes!! LOL

First picture from last weeks doc visit. 

Second picture after their first bath in over six weeks! Just in a weeks time...and a good bath...and they look almost normal!  My big toes are still not aligned completely, and they may never be.  But hopefully the more I get to walk on them, the more they will straighten and flatten out.

The one thing about this weeks doctor visit that bothered me a little is the fact that Doc. T said that the plates and screws on my big bone(1st metatarsal) is a little high and may need to come out after a year.  I freaked a little and asked for an explanation!  She said that if that happens it will be nothing compared to what she just did to me!  So, we'll just have to wait and see.

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully, this will be the last of your pain! Your piggies are beautiful, and ready to go to the market :)


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